Dr. Konstantinos Kapnisis (PhD), is a Special Teaching Staff at Cyprus University of Technology and lab manager of the BioLISYS lab. He holds a Diploma (BSc & MSc equivalent) in Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences from National Technical University of Athens and a Masters (MSc) Degree in Engineering and Physical Science in Medicine from Imperial College London. He received his PhD from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering at CUT while on scholarship from the Cyprus State Scholarship Foundation (2008-11) and A.G. Leventis Foundation (2011-2012 and 2012-2013). Dr. Kapnisis is certified by the Cyprus Veterinarian Services (Personal license no. CY/EXP/P.L2/2010) to carry out animal experiments and has extensive experience in performing microsurgical procedures on mice. His core expertise focuses on the development of animal models that enable the in vivo assessment of implant biocompatibility and allow the investigation of biological markers and mechanisms associated with the progression of cardiovascular as well as cancer and other inflammatory diseases. Dr Kapnisis has successfully put together European and international consortia and received external funding of over €350,000 from the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) through ΠΕΝΕΚ/0609/78, POST-DOC/0916/0237 (ranked 1st among 193 submitted proposals with score 14.85/15) and INTERNATIONAL/USA/0118/0057 grants.