Prof. Anayiotos has been the Rector of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) since 2016. During his Rectorship the University has been ranked between 351-400 best Universities in the world by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. He has been instrumental in the internationalization of the University and the establishment of INTENT the Innovation and Technology Transfer Office at the University to promote innovation and the exploitation of the research results at CUT. He has also been instrumental in the establishment of CUTing Edge to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the University. He served as a vice Rector at the University 2012-2015 and also a member of the Governing Board of the Open University of Cyprus in 2011. He is the Director of the Biomechanics and Living Systems Analysis laboratory (BioLISYS) at the Cyprus University of Technology (http://www.cut.ac.cy/biolisys/). He has been the director of the Biofluids Laboratory at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Biomedical Engineering. The BioLISYS laboratory is involved with research in: a) Novel imaging techniques in cancer and cardiovascular disease, b) Image based cardiovascular fluid dynamics, and c) Cardiovascular implant design, testing and evaluation. Dr. Anayiotos has published more than 150 peer reviewed publications and conference proceedings publications. He has developed numerous courses in Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering. He has been an organizer and chairman of numerous technical sessions and panel discussions in the Biomedical Engineering Society, The World Congress of Biomechanics and the Summer Bioengineering Conference. He is an Associate Editor in the Annals of Biomedical Engineering and the Ultrasound of Medicine and Biology and a reviewer in numerous other international journals. Dr. Anayiotos has been an expert evaluator in Bioengineering for the European Union, the National Institutes of Health (USA) and the National Science Foundation (USA) since 1999. He has also provided consulting services to numerous cardiovascular implant and devices manufacturers such as: Boston Scientific Corporation, Cardiac Dimensions, Kirkland, WA, Advanced Catheter Engineering, Livermore, CA, Arrow International, Reading, PA, Converge Medical Technologies, Pleasanton, CA, Embolic Protection Technologies (Boston Scientific Co St. Paul, MN), Mindguard LTD (Israel), Advanced Stent Technologies, Pleasanton, CA, Guidant Corporation, St. Paul, MN, Codman & Shurtleff (J&J) Boston, MA, Gambro Healthcare Co. Lakewood, CO, Huie, Fernambucq & Stewart LLP, Birmingham, AL. The graduates of his laboratory are currently employed at NASA Glenn Research Center, USA Emory University USA, University of Dundee, Boston Scientific Corporation Johnson and Johnson and many other cardiovascular implant manufacturers. He has been appointed as a member in the ESA panel by the government of Cyprus.